Ethics Policy

Transporttech is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access, international journal that publishes original scholarly works such as articles and review articles.

The editors, readers, reviewers, and manuscript authors must adhere to ethical standards, rules, and regulations and take reasonable steps to prevent violations.

International Journal of  Transportation Research and Technology (Transporttech) commits to the internationally accepted principles of publication ethics expressed in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

Submissions should be the original work of their authors and should contribute to the literature aligned with international research ethics.

Articles authors submit to the journal are Sustainable Transportation Development,Computational Models and Simulations, Aerospace engineering, Naval engineering, Railway
engineering, Energy Engineering, Radiosystems, Material Engineering, Transportation Business and Management, Industrial Engineering, and solutions based on Transportation Technology. The TransportTech journal accepts and welcomes many other applied sciences addressing issues related to transportation not listed above.

  • Authors undertake the responsibility for their manuscripts submitted to the journal should not be previously published or currently under review elsewhere.
  • Scientific and ethical rules must be adhered to in the manuscript’s design, preparation, submission stages, and the analyses of data and use of materials.
  • The Transporttech journal recommend authors to upload their plagiarism report (check) while submitting. All submissions must be subject to originality check,® example giving. Manuscripts that do not adhere to publication ethics and citation conventions or display any form of plagiarism are rejected.
  • The content and language of manuscripts and any legal liabilities are under the sole responsibility of their authors. All manuscripts sent for publication should meet academic writing conventions and publication ethics.
  • Authors are responsible for their manuscripts. Authors who use any excerpts material (photograph, drawing, table, paragraph, illustration, figure, and can understand any material as excerpts) from other sources are responsible for getting the copyrights for these and carefully cite the quote.
  • The Transporttech journal nor the NAA do not pay any royalties to authors. Furthermore, neither the Transporttech journal nor the NAA does not ask for any publication process fee for their paper submissions.
  • Statements of fact and opinion in the articles submitted to the journal are those of the respective authors and contributors and not of the Editors of the International Journal of  Transportation Research and Technology.
  • The copyright of manuscripts published in the journal belongs to the International Journal of Transportation Research and Technology.
  • The corresponding author is required to fill in and send the copyright form to the journal on behalf of all authors, if present. Works published in the journal cannot be published elsewhere without the approval of the Editorial Board, or any part of them cannot be reproduced without proper referencing.
  • All submissions are examined first by the Editor-in-Chief and Field Editors, who send the anonymous manuscripts to at least two reviewers to evaluate format and content. If the reviewers ask for revisions in the manuscript, the manuscript is sent back to its author.
  • The editors must evaluate the manuscript if the paper requires any ethical committee approval prior to the reviewer’s decision. However, in some instances, the editor can decide to communicate with the author to provide ethical committee approval to expedite the publication process while the manuscript is reviewing.
  • Editor-in-chief and editors cannot be a reviewer for manuscripts with their names in the authors list. This rule covers adding the editors’ names after the article is accepted.
  • The Editor-In-Chief cannot be nominated as editor of his/her manuscript. This duty is held by the associate editors unattached to the manuscript.
  • The author is responsible for the timely completion of modifications and submitting the revised manuscript again to the journal. The editor can decide the next step if the author does not complete the revised manuscript’s timely completion.
  • When necessary, the editor can ask for the revised manuscript to be re-evaluated by the reviewers till the manuscript is ready for backup.
  • Reviewers must understand that manuscripts should comply with the evaluation and review procedures set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  • Reviewers are entitled to evaluate the manuscript in a detailed and fair manner and are expected to comply with scientific publication conventions and be objective in their decision.
  • Reviewers should reject the invitation and inform the Editorial Board in cases that might risk the objectivity of their evaluation, such as conflict of interests, prejudice, or beliefs that might affect the objectivity of their decision, or if they think the scope of the work does not fall within their area of expertise.
  • Confidentiality is crucial, and reviewers should emphasize this in review, revision, and publication procedures. Once the reviewers accept the invitation to evaluate manuscripts, they declare and undertake the responsibility to submit their reviews in the time allocated.
  • The Transporttech journal does not pay any reviewer payment for the reviewing processes.
  • The publication of any submitted manuscript is at the discretion of the Editorial Board. The whole publication process is bounded by the provisions set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (

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