Instructions for Authors


Before starting to write or styling your manuscript we strongly advise to read carefully and agree the copyright agreement.

Document that includes below information can be downloaded here.

Please follow below important checklist to ensure key steps that you should follow for hassle-free submission.

Before submitting your work, it is your responsibility to check that the article is grammatically correct and without spelling problems. A few other significant points:

• Give the article goals and content a final read.
• Does your article suitable with our research and publishing ethics policy?
• Have you cleared any essential publishing permissions?
• Did you follow all the formatting requirements written in article preparation rules?
• Does the article include any information that might help the reviewer define you? This could compromise the blind peer review process.

Before submitting your work, it is your responsibility to check that the manuscript is complete, grammatically correct, and without spelling or typographical errors. A few other important points:

• Give the journal aims and scope a final read. Is your manuscript a good fit? If it is not, the editor may decline it without peer review.
• Does your manuscript comply with our research and publishing ethics guidelines?
• Have you cleared any necessary publishing permissions?
• Have you followed all the formatting requirements laid out in these author guidelines?
• Does the manuscript contain any information that might help the reviewer identify you?

Some tips for the double-blind peer review process. A few tips:

• If you need to refer to your own work, use wording such as ‘previous research has demonstrated’ not ‘our previous research has demonstrated’.
• If you need to refer to your own, currently unpublished work, don’t include this work in the reference list.
• Any acknowledgments or author biographies should be uploaded as separate files.
• Carry out a final check to ensure that no author names appear anywhere in the manuscript. This includes in figures or captions.

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically via the Internet through the online Open Journal Systems (OJS). After selecting the journal, you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of the various files. Papers are accepted for evaluation on the understanding that:
• They have not been published.
• They are not being considered for publication simultaneously elsewhere.
• They are not going to be submitted for publication elsewhere.
Authors should certify that neither the manuscript nor its main contents have already been published or submitted for publication in another journal. The copyright release form, which can be found at pdf, must be signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors and must accompany all papers submitted.
After a manuscript has been submitted, it is not possible for authors to be added or removed or for the order of authors to be changed. If authors do so, their submission may be canceled (see Publication Policy for details).
All authors need to send their ORCID IDs so that the process of evaluation and publishing of the manuscripts can continue in accordance with our publishing policy. Authors can visit to get a unique 16-digit ORCID ID number.

Please use the checklist that we have developed for the authors.

Status Guide
1. Submission
2. First Control
a. Scope check
b. Preliminary language check and technical control
3. Scientific Evaluation
a. Editor-in-chief
b. Editor
c. Referee
4. Publication
a. Technical control
b. After acceptance language correction
c. Galley proof
d. Publication
Technical Control
During the first check, journal administrators may return the articles for the following reasons:
• The manuscript is not prepared in the format provided on the journal’s website.
• The manuscript file is not the same as the manuscript template file given on the journal’s website.
• The order and format of the names of the authors in the manuscript are not consistent with those on the copyright form.
• The number of references or pages exceed the specified limits.
• The authors did not perform the requested corrections or provide the necessary documents within the requested time.
• Similarity index (®️ result) is higher than the permitted threshold. There is no single number for the similarity percentage since each report is investigated in detail, but submissions exceeding 10% score are generally returned to authors.
• The resubmission of the same title without reducing the similarity score may cause a ban of the authors from the journal.
• Similarity reports with more than 50% scores, even in a single submission, may cause a ban from the journal and the authors’ future submissions may not be considered for publication.
Scientific Evaluation
The peer review process is double blind, i.e. both authors and referees are kept anonymous. Manuscripts may be rejected without peer review by the editor-in-chief if they do not comply with the instructions for authors or if they are beyond the scope of the journal. After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, i.e. after referee recommended revisions are complete, the author will not be permitted to make changes that constitute departures from the manuscript that was accepted by the editor. Before publication, the galley proofs are always sent to the authors for corrections. Mistakes or omissions that occur due to some negligence on our part during final printing will be rectified in an errata section in a later issue. This does not include those errors left uncorrected by the author in the galley proof. See Publication Policy for details.
The use of someone else’s ideas or words in their original form or slightly changed without a proper citation is considered plagiarism and will not be tolerated. Even if a citation is given, if quotation marks are not placed around words taken directly from other authors’ work, the author is still guilty of plagiarism. Reuse of the authors’ own previously published words, with or without a citation, is regarded as self-plagiarism. All manuscripts received are submitted to®️, a sophisticated plagiarism checking system, which compares the content of the manuscript with a vast database of web pages and academic publications. Manuscripts judged to be plagiarized or self-plagiarized, based on the®️ report or any other source of information, will not be considered for publication. Open-access theses are considered as published works and they are included in the similarity checks.

Article Preparation

Please use this article template,

We strongly suggest authors to follow the pre-styled article template document. 

Please use this Copyright agreement: (Download and then upload this file),

A notation guide has been prepared as a general notation and physical review for the authors. You may find the writing styles as described in the below paragraphs. Also you may find those informations in an offline document.

Download the file.

In order to build a scientific article to achieve its purpose, the author should express the problem, approach to the problem and solutions in a clear and understandable language. If the article is not expressed clearly, readers will not be able to draw sufficient conclusions from the article and scientific writing will not reach its purpose. The open problem mentioned should make a new contribution to the literature. However, he should have conveyed the words that would explain his command of the literature in a way to convey his domination of similar articles and problems previously published on the subject.

Scientific writing; should be expressed in effective, clear and meaningful words. Therefore, the scientist must be cultured to be successful in this endeavor. We must all admit that “English has almost become the universal language of science” (E. Garfield, The Scientist, 7 September 1987, p.9). All scientists should learn to use English with precision. English does not need to be written in a complex and requiring native-level knowledge to be understood. In a scientific article it is said: “The best English is English that gives meaning with the least number of short words” (an authoritative expression printed in the Directives for Authors section of the Journal of Bacteriology).

We strongly advise to follow IMRaD approach to the authors as seen in Fig. 1.The IMRaD logic can be defined in the questionnaire: Which problem has been studied? Answer: Introduction. How was the problem studied? Answer: Methods. What was found? Answer: Results. What does these mean? Answer: Discussion. The IMRaD format, which has been advancing slowly since the late 19th century, found an almost universal use in research journals. Today, this area of usage helps the author in editing and writing the text; It seems that it provides an easy roadmap for editors, reviewers and ultimately readers who read and watch the article.

The journal only accepts;

• Research articles 
• Review articles.

This article type should be selected when uploading. Research articles expected not to exceed 5000 to 7000 words limits. Full paper articles are original, high quality, scientific findings that reveal a unstudied and unpublished studies.

For review articles, not to exceed 7000 to 9000 words limit at most. The review article should reveal the point reached on the subject or bring together the studies done so far around the relevant subject to provide clarity. There is a strict policy to evaluate the review articles.

Full paper articles should include below sections.

• Title,
• Authors,
• Abstract,
• Keywords,
• Introduction,
• Method,
• Results and Discussion,
• Conclusion,
• Abbreviations,
• CRediT author statement,
• Acknowledgments/disclaimers/conflict of interest (if any)
• References.

Styles are used effectively in article writing and use the styles transferred with the copies you will download from the journal pages. You can look the styles section at the end of the document for how to use styles.

Article title should be determined in a way to express the subject and not exceed 10 words. Book Title style is used for the title.

Titles should be simple and concise. The first word should be capitalized; then only special, trade names and chemical symbols should be capitalized. Non-standard abbreviations should not be used. Please see the “Physical Review Style and Notation Guide” section how to use the styles in MS Word template.

Authors section should be placed under the title. The style of the authors section should be Authors. The first author should be written first, followed by the second author and other authors. Author information should follow; In the first place, the institution of the author, the e-mail address and the ORCID ID information should be placed. It should be written in Affiliations style. Please see the “Physical Review Style and Notation Guide” section how to use the styles in MS Word template. However, we’re expecting to be provided this information after the double-peer review process.

Abstract cannot exceed 250 words. Abstract style is used for the abstract section. Abstract must reflect all the important aspects of the manuscript. We are accepting only one paragraph of manuscript. But we may advise you to prepare the manuscript abstract by answering the following questions. What is my purpose in this article? Which method, or approach or design did I used? Which findings have I revealed? What is this article’s originality? Please use Abstract Style in style gallery. Please see the “Physical Review Style and Notation Guide” section how to use the styles in MS Word template.

Keywords should be given as words derived from the content of the article and the content of the abstract. Keywords should be written in Keywords style. Please see the “Physical Review Style and Notation Guide” section how to use the styles in MS Word template.

Introduction section should consist of information that presents the purpose of the research and the studies on the subject, prepares the article for reading and facilitates the understanding of the general article. In this section, citations to the current and important literature related to the subject covered are made. Literature review should be included in this section. The introduction should be written in Normal style. Please see the “Physical Review Style and Notation Guide” section how to use the styles in MS Word template.

It is the section that provides sufficient detail to describe the study. Previously published methods should be cited as references. Subtitles can be used for more than one method. The equations presented in the method section are written in Equation style, the numbers of the tables in Table Strong style, the title of the tables in the Table style, the numbers of the figures in the Figure Strong style, the headings of the figures in the Figure style, and the table contents in the Table Paragraph style. Method part should be written in Normal style. Please see the “Physical Review Style and Notation Guide” section how to use the styles in MS Word template.

In this section, the importance of the study should be explained by discussing the results and outputs obtained through the method. The discussion should be done by looking at the subject from different angles and evaluating it. Discussion part should be written in Normal style. Please see the “Physical Review Style and Notation Guide” section how to use the styles in MS Word template.

In this section, steps that can be taken after the evaluated and discussed results are specified. The evaluation part should be written in Normal style. Please see the “Physical Review Style and Notation Guide” section how to use the styles in MS Word template.

Avoid using abbreviations and symbols in the summary section and article title. If abbreviation is used in the text, explanation should be given in the first line of the abbreviation. Abbreviations to be used in the articles should be an internationally accepted standard abbreviation. If symbols such as μ, η, or ν are used, they should be added using the symbols menu of Word in Lora font. Degree symbols (°) must be used from the symbol menu, not superscripted letter o or number 0. Multiplication symbols must be used (×), not the letter x. Spaces must be inserted between numbers and units (e.g., 3 kg), between numbers and mathematical symbols (+, –, ×, =, <, >), between numbers and percent symbols (e.g., 45%). Units should be used in accordance with the international unit system (SI Unit System). Any Latin terms such as et al., in vitro, or in situ should not be italicized.

In this section, the individual contributions of the authors should be explained as explained here. The credit author statement part should be written in Normal style.

This section’s purpose is to thank all of the people who helped with the research but did not qualify for authorship. Acknowledge anyone who provided intellectual assistance, technical help (including with writing and editing), or special equipment or materials. TransportTech requests that you use this section to provide information about funding by including specific grant numbers and titles. Names of funding organizations should be written in full, and identify which authors received funding for what. Acknowledgements should be placed in a separate section which appears directly before the reference list. Do not include acknowledgements on your title page, as a footnote to your title, or anywhere else in your article other than in the separate acknowledgements section.

All authors should also disclose any conflict of interest that may have influenced either the conduct or the presentation of the research.

TransportTech uses the APA 7th Referencing Style for citations in the text. Please use this citation and referencing style to prepare your references section. Please follow below link to see the examples how to use referencing while building your manuscript.

Download the file.

Phyical Review Styles and Notation Guide

There should be 1 cm space on the right, left, bottom and top of the page and one column should be used.
• The text should be justified and the line spacing should be 1 line, before and after spaces must be zero pt.
• The page number should be at the bottom right of each page.
• Headings should be numbered using Latin numerals.

Styles is the MS Word feature we use to standardize sections during article writing. For the proper use of styles, you can expand the section by pressing the cross arrow button in the lower right corner of the “Styles” section in the “Input” section. We recommend that you create each of the styles we explain below by clicking the “New Style” button at the bottom left of the window that will open and write the article using these styles. To use the created styles, you need to scan the section you want to use by holding down the left click of the mouse and then click on the style you want to apply. Articles written in a way that does not conform to the styles mentioned below will be sent back to you and requested to be corrected.

Heading 1
This subtitle is a first level subtitle. In first and later level headings, the first letter of each word should be written as a justified text with capital letters. If there are conjunctions, they should be written in lower case. In first level and next level titles if “and/or/with” etc. If there are conjunctions, they should be written in lower case. In order to create a first level title, go to the place where you will write your title and select “Heading 1” from the styles menu, before numbering.

Heading 2
This subtitle is a second level subtitle. In order to create a second level title, go to the place where you will write your title and select “Heading 2” from the styles menu before numbering. These are the subject headings in Heading 1.

Heading 3
This subtitle is a third level subtitle. In order to create a third level title, go to the place where you will write your title and select “Heading 3” from the styles menu before numbering.

Symbols, Abbreviations and Units
Non-standard abbreviations in the field should be defined and should be consistent in the text. It should be written in table form and use Table Paragraph style.

Mathematical Formulas and Equations
Mathematical formulas or equations to be included in the articles should be prepared as editable with MS Word add-ins. Authors will be asked to correct mathematical formulas or equations inserted as pictures. Mathematical formulas or equations should be center aligned. There should be a blank line between the equations and other content. Also, mathematical formulas or equations should be numbered using Latin numerals. Equations should be written in Equation style. 

Using of Visual Materials
The articles contain photos, graphics, etc. will take place. Visual materials should be legible, at least 600 DPI resolution and clear. Preferred visual file formats; .jpeg, .jpg, .png. Visual materials should be placed in a single-column layout near the place of first application. There should not be any margins when placing the images. If the images contain text, it is desirable to use the Lora font. Images should be numbered using Latin numerals without leaving line spacing such as “Figure 1: Figure legend” below the image. References should be made according to the journal reference method. Visual materials should be placed in Figure Centered style.

Tables in your article should be in editable format. The tables given as pictures or photographs will be asked to be corrected.
Tables should be placed near where they were first mentioned in a single column layout. Table layout should not bleed into the margins. Table Paragraph style should be used for the interior of the tables. Tables should be numbered using Latin numerals without leaving any line spacing on the table as “Table 1: Table description”. References to tables should be based on journal reference method. Tables should be written in Table Paragraph style.

We recommend that you download and use this document to help you how to draw tables.
(You can examine Table 1 on page 3 in the document.)

Book Title : Book title style should be Lora 14 pt, bold and left justified.
Authors : Authors style Lora, 10 pt, 6 pt before and after, line spacing should be single and left justified.
Affiliation : Affiliation style Lora should be 8 pt, italic, first 0 pt, then 2 pt, line spacing single, indent 0 cm from left, 0.5 cm hanging and left justified.
Abstract : Abstract style Lora should be 10 pt, justified, line spacing single, 6 pt before and after, indent left 0 cm and right 0.5 cm.
Keywords : Keywords style Lora should be 8 pt., Justified, single line spacing.
Normal : Normal style Lora should be 10 pt, justified, single line spacing, 6 pt before and after.
Table Paragraph : Table Paragraph style Lora 9 pt, 0 pt before and after, line spacing should be single. Table line spacing should be 1 row, before and after spaces should be 0.
References : References style Lora should be 10 pt, line spacing single, 6 pt before and after, hanging indent 0.75 cm and justified.
Equation : Equation style Lora 10 pt, justified, single line spacing, 6 pt before and after, indent should be 0.25 cm from the left and 0 cm from the right.
Figure Centered : The Figure Centered style should be 0 from the left, 0.07 cm from the right, 6 pt before and after the spacing, and single line spacing.
Strong : Strong style Lora should be in 10 pt and bold font.
Table : Table style Lora 10 pt, left aligned, indent 0 from left, 0.07 cm from right, special hanging 1.06 cm, spacing first 12, then 6 pt and line spacing should be single.
Figure: Figure style Lora 10 pt, left aligned, indent 0 from left, 0.07 cm from right, special hanging 1.06 cm, spacing first 6, then 6 pt and line spacing should be single.
Heading 1 : Lora 12 pt, bold, justified, indent left 0.25 right 0, special hanging 0.5, line spacing 1.5, before and after 6 pt.
Heading 2 : Lora 10 pt, bold, justified, indent left 0.5 right 0, special hanging 0.75, spacing before and after 6 nk, line spacing should be 1.5.
Heading 3 : Lora 12 point, italic, justified, indent left 0.5 right 0, spacing before and after 6 nk, line spacing should be single.

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